Do Dogs Get Headaches? Yes, dogs do get headaches, just like all other mammals. Dogs cannot tell their owner (verbally) that they have a headache. However, there are specific signs and symptoms that an owner can look out for to determine whether their dog has a headache or not. This article will provide you with an overview of headaches in dogs, causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Yes! Well, according to most veterinarians and scientific research, dogs do get headaches. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that this is true as our dogs cannot communicate this information to us. However, due to the similarities between the make-up of nerves and blood vessels of a human and dog’s brain, it is highly likely we both suffer from headaches and migraines.
While the occurrence of headaches in dogs is up for debate in the veterinarian world, the majority concludes that there is no reason pointing towards why dogs would not suffer from headaches or migraines. In fact, due to their highly powerful smell receptors, their scent is much stronger, and this is a crucial reason for chronic and temporary head pain in dogs.
Unlike humans, dogs can’t communicate when they need some sort of medication to ease their headaches or migraine. Therefore as an owner, there are several symptoms that dogs may show, which tells you they’re in pain.
Common Symptoms:
> Throbbing in the upper head area
> Shies away from light
Less Common Symptoms:
> Loss of Appetite
> Constant nibbling & licking
> Anxious when someone approaches (specifically around the head area)
> More frequent napping/sleeping than normal
> Hesitant to go outside in sunlight
Common Causes
There are several causes of headaches or migraines in dogs. The leading causes include allergic reactions, temperature exceeding the maximum threshold, a cold or flu symptom, and intense activity in a short space of time. The majority of the time, it is difficult to control the causes and therefore manage a dogs’ headache or migraine.
Headaches or migraines in dogs very rarely require a professional to diagnose them. Generally, a dog owner will take their dog to be checked over by a vet as they’re displaying uncommon symptoms. More often than not, the vet will confirm it is not a severe problem, such as a headache or migraine.
In the worst-case scenario, a vet will seek further advice and use MRI’s to determine whether the headaches or migraines are caused by something more serious. However, it is essential to note that allergies commonly cause a dog’s headache or migraine.
As previously mentioned, the common cause of a dogs’ headache is some allergy. To decrease the likelihood of your dog suffering from consistent headaches or migraines, you should seek help from your local vet. Once the tests are made, and the allergy can be identified, the likelihood of your dog suffering from head pains will be dramatically lower.
There is always going to be a potential “first time” headache or migraine episode. If your dog is experiencing an episode, there are several things you can do to help (see below).
> Turn off all lights and create a comfortable, silent and dark place for your dog to rest
> Avoid stroking or petting their head and surrounding areas.
> Allow your dog to rest in peace. Allow them space and wait for them to come to you when they’re feeling better.
> Apply a cold compress (flannel) to their head.
A headache or migraine in a dog generally eases after 30 minutes or so. Therefore, you should leave your dog during this 30 minute cooling period and check on them after. If the symptoms have got worse, you should closely monitor your dog every 30 minutes. If their symptoms are not gone after 4-6 hours, an emergency vet should be called.
What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?
There are a wide range of dog drinks available in this day and age, from dog-friendly non-alcoholic prosecco and beer to decaf herbal tea. Dogs are also able to drink a wide range of milks. Find out more by reading our article “Can Puppies Drink Milk?”.
Can Dogs Eat Bacon?
In short, no. It is not a good idea to feed your dog bacon, especially when it is raw. Cooked bacon wouldn’t be harmful, but it is high in fat and salt, which is not suitable for your dog’s digestive system. You can find out more about bacon and other meats by reading our article “Can Dogs Eat Bacon?”.
Is Broccoli Good For Dogs?
Dogs do not need vegetables as part of their staple diet. However, some vegetables like broccoli provide plenty of nutrients for your dog. Broccoli is high in protein and helps with your dogs’ digestive system. You can find recipes and more information about broccoli in our article “Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?”.
Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
There are several reasons why your dog may eat grass. The main reason being is just down to the fact they are hungry and need some extra fiber. To find out more information regarding dogs and their grass-eating habits, read our article “Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?”
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Disclaimer: Each dog is different, and every circumstance is different. All efforts have been made to provide accurate information. However, it is not provided by a qualified Veterinarian, Veterinarian Surgeon, or Behaviorist. The information provided is purely educational. The information should not be used as an alternative or substitute for medical care. If you have any health or medical concerns, contact a qualified Veterinary Surgeon or Veterinarian immediately.
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