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125 Articles
Do Dogs Get Headaches?
March 13, 2020
Do Dogs Get Headaches? Yes, dogs do get headaches, just like all other mammals. Dogs cannot tell their owner (verbally) that they have...
Can Puppies Drink Milk?
March 6, 2020
Can puppies drink milk? In short, yes. Puppies can drink milk, but as all things consumed, it should be in moderation and monitored....
Do Dogs Get Hiccups? Serious Symptom or Natural Habit?
March 5, 2020
Do dogs get hiccups? Yes, just like humans, dogs also get hiccups. The main reason behind hiccups is the involuntary spasms within the...
Stop My Dog Eating Rocks: Why Does My Dog Eat Stones?
March 4, 2020
How do I stop my dog from eating rocks? It depends on why they are eating them. To prevent your dog from eating pebbles, rocks,...
Can Dogs Eat Raw Bacon? Crispy, Smokey or None At All?
March 2, 2020
Can Dogs Eat Raw Bacon? In short, no. Feeding dogs raw pork (bacon) can have many side effects that put your pooch in a lot of stress...
KONG Recipes: 3 Easy-To-Make KONG Recipes For Your Dog
February 29, 2020
A KONG is a great enrichment toy for dogs. It keeps your dog mentally stimulated, trying to work out how to get to the food. Rather...
Which One Is The Runt Of The Litter? Should I Buy The Runt?
February 28, 2020
WHAT IS THE RUNT OF THE LITTER? The runt is the smallest or weakest in a litter of animals. The term ‘runt’ is not a recognized...
Can Dogs Die From Worms?
February 27, 2020
Can Dogs Die From Worms? Yes. Dogs with intestinal worms/parasites can suffer symptoms that include; dehydration, diarrhea, coughing...
Why Does My Dog Hump My Puppy? Dominance? Stress?
February 26, 2020
Why does my dog hump my puppy? It could be for a variety of reasons, including dominance, play, sexual, over excitement, stress, or a...
Why Do Dogs Eat Horse Poop? A Natural Snack Or Toxic Treat?
February 24, 2020
Why do dogs eat horse poop? There are various reasons why your dog may eat other animal poop, including that of horses. Horses poop...